How to Manifest as a Musician (or anyone)

Hello dearest,

Yesterday the artist who made my honey crown (pictured above) reached out to see if I wanted to call dibs on another hat I've been eyeing for my next album, before she included it in a sale on Friday evening.

As I gazed at the photo of the crown, I felt a strong feeling, which I jokingly called "darshan," a kind of spiritual download. I knew it was my intuition pinging me like radar going off on the screen of my being. I realized this crown and I probably had some destiny to do together. 

Then I realized it would be perfect for the world-eco-empress-goddess character from the concept behind the album. I explained in my last livestream that I didn't want to dress up as domineering woman. I think I'm intimidated by the power and authority she wields to rule the globe and enforce her matriarchal laws. Yes, in case you haven't picked up on it, she's a bit terrifying.

Anyways, I knew the crown was out of my budget, but I also felt the "Universe" would pull through if it really wanted me for its Purposes and Designs (which I feel increasingly is the case lately!). So I let go and trusted.

Then I went on a walk, one of my favorite daily activities that keeps me grounded and helps me appreciate and connect to the natural world. I had a flash of inspiration to see if I could trade her the old crown she made me. While it's a beautiful keepsake, it feels like the Honey chapter is fully closed now that Make Belief is in the world.

Well, Annie the hat-maker said YES! So now the honey crown is officially for sale, just reach out to her if you're interested via her instagram or on her website.

You may have heard of manifesting before via "The Secret" or Abraham-Hicks.

Well, move over because there's a new millennial philosophy making the rounds and it's been working fairly well for me! After years of trying to squeeze my broke a$$ into "The Vortex" through positive thinking, it's such a relief to get some real results that I can FEEL within me as much as see in my outward life.


So here is how I manifested this crown i so deeply desired.

1. I listened to my intuition and followed my "pings," taking the action needed and not just wishing on a star.

2. I trusted it would come if it was aligned, and I wasn't clingy or desperate about it (referred to as doggy-paddling).

3. I believed I was worthy and wasn't afraid to step into my sharing "shadow" side (the authoritarian zealot side of me, lolz).

In manifesting, this is part of what's called "unblocking" subconsciously, so you're no longer getting in your own way.

4. I knew it was possible for me, because I manifested a crown from her before, although in that case it was the cash to buy it from her (which as a starving artist type I totally consider a manifestation!).

This is what's called "expanding." In this case, I expanded myself, but often it's good to find someone you can relate to who has achieved what you want.

You can follow these steps and concepts in your own manifesting journey. Manifesting is as woowoo or concrete as you want it to be- ultimately it's just how to use your intuition, spirituality, psychology, imagination, and action steps in tandem to create a NEW pattern of being, acting, and HAVING in life. 

It's easier said than done and truly a life's work to grow into the person who is able to achieve your dreams. A worthy task in my opinion!

If you’re curious or care to join me on this evolutionary path, here are my affiliate links to my favorite membership where I learned these principles - which I probably manifested, let’s be real!

This is an easy way to support my work and your inner work at the same time!

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Re-Write Your Story - my journey to musical leadership

Dear you,

It’s been a minute since I’ve blogged.

I was watching an interview with extremely successful writer Seth Godin, who said he recommends a blog for everyone, because it makes you think of intelligent things to discuss.

Well, I flatter myself perhaps, but I’m often already thinking about things that would be of note, of debate, of oddity.

Then today I was listening to the School of Self-Image Podcast, where Tonya Leigh was encouraging us to re-think, even re-write our stories. From the perspective of a future version of ourselves who is living the life of our dreams & is wildly successful.

So I thought I’d write that story for you. Not to sugar-coat or deny or make up things about it. But to write in myself as the heroine. From the perspective of myself now, looking back after years of reclaiming my Self.

I’ve started to feel spreading from my bones outward, a sense that the difficulties I experienced were the fire forging me into the shape I was meant to be.

I grew up in Suburbia. A pleasant, upper-middle-class subdivision in the 90’s. From the outside, and in the tangible ways, our life was charmed. But despite having all my basic needs met, I suffered from not feeling loved.

Was I loved? Absolutely. My parents showed their devotion in the best ways they could. They were dealing with the hands they were dealt by their parents, and I can see now that that my Irish lineage was dealing with the after-shocks of colonial oppression by the British.

Despite living in a big house with abundant food, toys, vacation, and an onslaught of extra-curricular activities, the emotion of love was lacking in and around me.

Aside from my dog, who was my constant companion and cheerer-upper. And there were dozens of other pets I took care of with varying degrees of success. I believe this helped shape me into the animal-lover I am, especially to the wildlife around me.

I was one of those people who didn’t remember much of childhood but thought it was peachy. Now I understand I suffered from emotional abuse and neglect. I remember a lot of tense silence punctuated by explosive arguments.

Throughout my childhood I also watched my neighborhood slowly eat the adjacent farmlands and groves of trees, though we had a vacant lot-turned-private-park next door we could play endless hours in.

I have heard how not having a good connection with your mother can lead one to seek solace in the arm’s of Mother Nature. That I surely did. I believe that was by design, so that I could be a cultural leader in this time of mass extinction. I feel that nature is my family, my blood, worth saving and making sacrifices for.

I think my negative experience of ‘90’s consumer culture taught me that money is just a number, not something that can ever make you happy, fulfilled, or loved. And despite having good income, we had a lot of financial worry starting in my tweens.

I feel lucky, really, that I already know that orienting your life around money can just leave you feeling empty.

On top of that stress, my parents divorced when I was 13 and proceeded to hate each other. That’s when the shell of a perfect life cracked and fell to pieces.

I think that’s why I instinctually started to orient my life around music as an adult. In college, I noticed it could give me a feeling of home, of comfort when I was sick or sad. Music was there for me in a way no human was. As I started to perform, it gave me a rush of joy and bliss I’d never felt before. Truly like a drug, I became addicted to the cocktail of adrenaline, Flow state, and inevitable compliments after the show. How I lived for those sweet words of affirmation, missing from my youth.

In my 20’s, I began to have success as a musician, but I also struggled with an undiagnosed sleep disorder, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, malnutrition due to veganism, food intolerances, and gut infection. (All of these things are connected.) I felt the corporate oppression of my country so acutely. In “chasing my dreams” around the globe, I was so disconnected from myself, the earth, and my community.

Looking back on this now, I’m starting to actually feel lucky, like the hand of my Creator was guiding everything in order to make me the person I am (becoming).

BECAUSE of the challenges I faced, I am uniquely poised to do what only I can do - be me and shine my light.

I am an example to everyone who had a rough start, who wasn’t shown how to manage their emotions or be a loving person, and show them that at any point you can begin to reclaim the true you, your purpose, your wholeness. Who you would have been without life’s negative programming— that is your birthright.

And I also want to show how creativity can be a part of that healing, and also how healing can amplify your creativity. I used to be so blocked and resistant when it came to creating the music I knew I was capable of.

I felt like a trickling spring with an ocean underneath. I just needed to access my full depths.

Each of us are creative faucets, and it’s so possible to turn that faucet on full force and unleash your potential.

The consumeristic vision of a musician, which has honestly not really been updated since the ‘90’s, is a toxic one. It relies on physical beauty, scarcity of distribution, a$$-kissing of mostly male executives, relying on the bro-hood of the music industry, commodifying songs…

I want to show the alternative route that is already being blazed- the song of a thousand musicians each with a tribe of thousands, leading their own small movements and shifts in culture.

For me, that revolution is to de-sanctify society’s wholesale worship of profits over earth and her peoples. And I can see that fire was kindled in my hurt child heart.

Ultimately I want to create a tribe where people can come to get the sense of love they might be missing. The sense of playful magic that every (inner) child craves. The sense of fun and celebration that redeems all the struggles we face day-to-day. Whether it’s through the Spirit I sometimes I feel coming through my body when I sing, or through me just being a true, caring friend to the sweet folks who resonate with my heart-songs.

Okay, this story is obvious a work in progress, and is still being written.

But I want to be transparent with you, because as someone in my tribe, and therefore as my friend, I want you to experience the trust and intimacy you deserve.

Every time you see me, I hope you’ll remember, like so many phoenixes and Cinderellas, you too can rise from the ashes, your form forged by the fires.


p.s. All I need is 300 resonate souls who give me $100 a year to really feel like I can be *sustainable* as an independent musician. I already have over 30 beautiful souls giving me the love and appreciation I crave over on my Patreon page. Let’s 10x that, yeah?

p.p.s. A big part of my healing journey was facilitated by To Be Magnetic. I have been a member of the Pathway for several years and am so passionate I became an affiliate. Here are the links to sign up and $upport me a little at the same time. :)

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FAQ's about my Patreon Page

Hey folks,

In the name of de-cluttering my Patreon welcome page at, I have moved my FAQ’s to this blog post. I created a video with the basics, and the questions below answer actual questions I’ve answered since then.

What is Patreon?
This page from the creator of Patreon himself should answer this question:
​ ​

Is Patreon a social platform that I have to keep up with?

Nope! The community aspect is totally optional. The main feature is I can send songs and other content straight to your inbox.

Will you keep my credit card info?
Patreon handles the billing side. I don't see your card info at all. You can easily cancel or adjust your pledge at any time. 

How many times will I be charged per month?
I recently set the payment to monthly, so you’ll be charged once when you sign up, for access to the back-catalogu, as well as on the 1st of the month going forward, for access to future songs!

What if I want to support more than the highest tier or don't want a reward?
Well, that's totally generous. You can simply write in whatever amount pleases you during the check out process. And I will do a happy-cry dance either way.

I checked out Patreon’s Privacy Policy- will they share my data and information with Facebook or Google?
If you sign up using your Facebook account credentials with them, they will collect information about your use of Patreon. If you’d rather opt out, simply sign up with your email address. If your email address is google, I believe you’re already sharing everything with them, so enjoy the free services they offer in exchange for your data! :) :(

I don’t like to put my credit card info on websites. Is there an alternative?
If you are comfortable using PayPal, simply make sure you’ve added a credit card to your PayPal account and you can skip giving Patreon your payment info. Paypal is secure and encrypted, and offers a Purchase Protection service that can cover you if there’s damages. Paypal may be safer than using a credit card or check, because your information is stored in a “vault” offline.

If you're diligent about keeping your PayPal password different than other financial account passwords, and you avoid clicking on any email or web links that don't seem authentic (ask PayPal if you're unsure), your chances of having a safe and enjoyable user experience on the platform are solid.

What if I’m not tech-savvy enough to sign up?

I can sign you up over the phone very easily, and you’ll get content in your email inbox. Simple! Just email me at the email address below and we’ll set up a time to chat!

What if I prefer to give a one-time or annual amount? What if I’d like to pay with check?

That’s understandable! While you won’t enjoy the real-time, email-inbox, connected user experience, you can send me a one-time payment via paypal by clicking here. Or you can email me at the email address below to get my address to send a check.

Still have questions?
Shoot an email to and I'd be so happy to answer your questions and/or walk you through the sign-up process. :)

Much love,


A Feminine Antidote to Creative Fear


This weekend I had the honor of hosting a flock of singer-songwriters in my home for a humble beginnings of a biannual womyn's music festival. It felt like all the power of a women's circle, amplified. Literally.

We began the event with a discussion of our creative lives, the pros and cons, the struggle and the reward. As I sat and listened, realizations sort of seaped into the sponge of my consciousness. I realized I'm not alone in the creative struggle. That it's a beautiful and worthwhile struggle. That having a muse, a cross to bear such as this, is also a gift that not everyone has.

More importantly, my sense of competitiveness and judgment and catty-ness, which seems like some kind of twisted instinct, melted away into sheer appreciation for these glowing, luminous, very human women sharing their songs and their hidden minds with us in intimate, quiet coziness of a full living room.

As a highly sensitive woman in the music industry, I feel my spirit calling in a new way of creating and sharing and making a living that cares for self, community, and planet. This evening of music, food, and art was the perfect first step into manifesting this vision.

It's just a simple part of feminine psychology and biology that we are stronger together. As I witnessed each woman sing her songs, I realized we all had distinct genres and niches we were filling. The hierarchy of who was best that I had in my mind was leveled by an awe for the distinctive beauty we each had to offer. 

This realization can be taken from the stage and applied to any field of achievement. When we work together and make space for each other, we become a cohesive quilt of many different patterns, that can comfort and warm the whole world.

The end of the night was an especially victorious moment, when one of the performers took a great risk and sang a song a capella. She was used to performing with a big digital sound or with other musicians, but in our presence, she felt strong enough to sing with her bare voice ringing out through the silence. 

By the end of the song, our crew of fine singers were humming backing chords. It was a spontaneous, improvised moment that we'll treasure.

What a beautiful metaphor of the courage we can access through witnessing each other supportively. I've heard it often how women's biggest stumbling block in the professional realm is their fear to take risk. I see this as an obvious outcome of being the weaker sex in the often vicious and tenuous lifestyle our ancestors surely endured. 

Yet I believe we witnessed our antidote at the end of the night. The cure for the resistant anxiety many of us feel, is realizing we're stronger together. If you're struggling to make strides forward in your life as a woman, perhaps all you're missing is this HUGE key-- female community.

Just a theory, my sweets! Give it a whirl and let me know how it goes?

Me and my bestie. Girl power!

Me and my bestie. Girl power!

I've been recently reading The Feminist Utopia Project.  It's amazing what a little intellectual stimulation can do for one's world view!

I'm reading the chapters like doses of cultural vitamins, educating myself to bolster my emotional immune system in our current political climate...

Nothing like a sexist tyrant to inspire the next wave of feminism! :)

We intentionally made the Ladyfolk Fest to not restricted biological women. Because femininity comes in different shapes and sizes!

I'm learning this first-hand, as I'm currently in love with someone who doesn't fit into the gender binary.  While identifying as a girly woman certainly works for me, I see how the patriarchal system hurts him daily.  It's like there's a roadblock between who he is and who he feels he's allowed to be every day.

Feminism means getting outside of your experience and empathizing with others less fortunate, and fighting for their rights. Because when we protect each other, we ensure protection for ourselves and our loved ones and the next generation...

Another thought to note, is that in my world of gigging and music touring, I've found many creative folks who live as question marks to this societal norm of boy versus girl.  Maybe it's because creativity and self-expression forces us to get in touch with our ambiguous, multi-faceted nature.

I'm so happy to present my sister's very own first novel, now available for pre-order on Amazon. It's a young adult historical fiction about two actual female pirates that sailed the ocean between England and North Carolina. This book presents a new narrative of gender and equality on the open sea... So proud of my big sis!

How Music Saved My Life


I recently had someone scoff at the idea that I may have ever been through really dark times. 
I am wanting to be vulnerable and share that I have spent a good part of my life struggling with suicidal thoughts. 

I know for a fact I'm not alone, as I hear there is a veritable epidemic of "deaths of despair" going on these days...

A big part of my journey has been learning how to stay balanced and grounded as waves of dark emotions crash over me, seeping up under me through the night and waking me with an icy splash in the face, drawing me unwilling back to harsh life and its million tiny pressure, responsibilities, and miseries. 

Over the years, I have learned to become a hunter, with my golden arrow of focus pointed at things that will lift me up out of these dredges and into a brighter shine.

As a result of my predisposition for darkness, I've become obsessed with positive psychology: the psychology of happiness.

Yes, there is a science to it. Yes, anyone can learn how to raise their emotional set-point.

Flow state is one petal on the flower of happiness. That is, getting lost in an activity...

Music has been a lifeline for me-- it's always been there no matter what. It's a touch-stone I can always reach for, as easy as reaching out to a warm wooden instrument and seeking the harmonies latent in its strings. Music is this magical key to my life-- I can sing and suddenly I'm present, filled with oxygen and resonant frequencies that please my bones. I can sing with others and suddenly we're connecting in a rapturous state of transcendence. I can sing and suddenly I'm plunged into a watery world of wavelengths where I can shut my eyes and dive beneath the waves and forget my troubles, erase my troubles, or express my frustrations and swim past them.

In this bubble of harmony, the harsh pain of 3-dimensional life eases into a wondrous doubt-- that perhaps this "real world" we attribute so much gravity isn't actually as real as the subtle sonic gossamer we're cocooning ourselves in. That it's merely the flimsy, shiny sheen that hides beneath it a huge and vastly deep current that is the Source of Life, where we go when we die, and can't music be heavenly? Don't you just sometimes die a tiny death and rise up on a sunlit cloud of feeling when you hear a beautiful strand of music come to take you home? 

The fact that sharing my heart-songs has become a big part of my career never ceases to amaze me. And now I've gone another step along the path to share my knowledge, to press the golden keys and hand them out to the beautiful young people who have come to knock on the door to music, so they can learn to speak and write and dance and live and breathe this medium as well...

Yes, I've been through dark times. But you wouldn't know it, because I have built a house of song around myself where I can sleep sweetly while I'm awake.

So. If you haven't gone to my kickstarter page to hear me talk about why I'm making my next album, you've got 44 hours to donate and add fuel to my creative fire:…/larkspur-needs-your-help-to-r…

Sharing the link is also a great help!
Thanks so much to everyone who's donated so far. You really see me and honor my gifts. It's an amazing realization.
