Using Mindful Music to Generate Courage

Yesterday I took a break from rehearsing to sit in the sun and snack with my partner.

He had just consumed a dismaying piece of journalism exposing more ways China might be meddling with the US. (He is a data scientist with a passion for politics and current events, and I really appreciate a front row seat to his pursuit of the Truth!)

Usually this news would have alarmed me and sent my stress hormones into motion, which I think is a healthy response to new awareness of threats...

However, because of the music I'd been bathing in and breathing with while rehearsing for my Mindful Music set, I felt a different emotion. It was Love. 

I was like the sun, so impervious untouchable by the dark shadow being presented. And that much more powerful.

I recently realized I no longer want to act from or ruminate on fear. Even the best intention, if vibrating with this emotion, usually comes across all wrong and just spreads more fear and chaos. 

I may have stumbled on the ages-old fight between Good and Evil, Dark and Light, God and Devil, simply playing out within me like it can in every Human. 

After my lightbulb moment yesterday, I understand that we can stand up against tyranny, stand up for our rights, even fight enemies, all from a place of Love. 

You can feel the difference:

Once is a calm, protective, strong, almost parental force.

The other is grasping and anxious and sniveling and rude. 

Coeur in French means Heart. If we can have the Cour-age to source our words and actions from love, I really do believe we're more powerful than any well-organized nefarious forces acting for greed and world domination (like they do).

Doing simple moves, stretches, and breathing exercises in the midst of my music had the potent effect of centering me right in the center of my heart. I read once that on some extra dimensional level, in the center of each heart, is the center of the Universe. We can sense it in meditative states. 

It was hippy and woo, but I thought it a beautiful and resonant idea, so kept it as a belief - another baubel on the string of pearls that weaves my world view.

You’re welcome to come move, breathe, and OM with me, or just relax and bask in the frequencies this evening at 7-8ish pm via my livestream, or IRL Saturday at 5:30-6:30pm at Staunton Jams in the SolArts Center.

Oh and speaking of mindful movement, want to AUDITION for the DANCE TROOP I’m collaborating with for a song at Fae Fest??? Check out this post for details or reach out to Cumulus Dance in Charlottesvile, VA.

Life is but a dream.

xoAnnabeth NicAnmara

Annabeth McNamara

Ethereal dreamfolk art pop from the Shenandoah Valley.